Relationships Counseling
for relationships issues and relationships problems

Relationships counseling is an effective and intelligent way to receive help and guidance on how to deal with the relationships issues and problems of today. It is such a powerful thing to have an "outside" perspective on things.

When we are inside of something it is difficult to see the bigger picture and ironically it's also more difficult to see the root of the relationships problems.

Seeing the bigger picture have relationships issues often just disappear on its own accord. And getting to the heart of the matter, we are able to get the relationships problems handled from the root up and thus can have a lasting effect and will improve all your relationships.

If you feel ready to book your complimentary relationships counseling session call Rose today.

What to Watch Out For

  1. The hurdle most people have to cross before engaging in relationships counseling is that there is something wrong with them or they are not enough. Asking for help says you are weak and you are lacking and can bring up feelings of embarrassment. This is furthest from true. People that have become the best at something got there by learning from the masters in that field. It takes humility to go and seek out help and advice. But do not mistake being humble for being weak. It takes a strong person with great inner strength to seek relationships counseling.
  2. Thinking of going to relationships counseling can bring up great fears. What if they ask this? what if they find out about that? what if it won't work out? what if my partner wants to leave me?
    HEAR THIS: On the other side of the fear is ALWAYS more love, more truth and more connection. The fear is a trap, it is deceiving you and keeps you from the relationship you want with your partner. The tricky part is that the feeling of fear is often not perceived as fear. It is translated in the mind as: Oh this is not for me? this is not the right relationships counseling, it is not the right time. So be on the look out for fear in yourself as well as your partner and simply do not let it stop you!
  3. High quality relationships counseling does not focus on the relationships issues and problems. It is important to be clear what the problems and issues are, but once in the open the focus should be on getting straight to the heart of the matter. Once you get to the heart of the matter you can shift your relationship dynamics dramatically and in that the relationships problems that were an issue suddenly become opportunities to grow and become more intimate. You will never look at relationships problems the same way. This is also the secret to create lasting change. Your ability to get to the heart of the matter with a relationships issue will help improve your relationships across the board.
  4. It is easy to fall into the trap of "if only he/she would change", "if only the circumstances would change". It is easy to find fault or weakness outside of ourselves, and it seems harder to see what our part could be. The truth is, you have no control over someone else and them changing and you have full control over yourself. It is important to not underestimate the power of changing yourself. For instance, you are facing a relationships issue and 95% of the 'fault' lies with your partner and 5% lies with you. Do you know that is you handle the 5% inside of yourself and change...your partners 95% might just disappear....just like that. I have been doing relationships counseling now for over 20 years and I have seen this magically happen over and over again. So do not underestimate the power you have by changing your side of the relationships problems.
  5. Counseling can open the door to more passion and juice for life. For most people when they start looking at themselves through their relationships problems it opens the door for more love and with it comes a life force energy. Their values are rising, their goals are higher, the expectations of themselves become higher and they want to start contributing to others. This is the point when life starts to become rich and feeling of being fulfilled are starting to enter the heart. So let relationships counseling open the door to your higher self and live a life rich and full of meaning so you can go to bed at night, falling a sleep with a great peace about you.

What Type of Counseling for Relationships do You Offer?

We offer counseling sessions for singles as well as couples.  Read more...

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