United States

by Richard T.

I’m not perfect. Nothing and no one person is, but with positivity, I believe we can work together as people with mutual respect and love to make the world a better place. Perfection is an illusion, but growth and understanding is obtainable as a species, if we find common ground, which is down to its truest form — humanity. Our one defining trait, despite our differences, is humanity, and with it comes a choice: to inspire or to destroy. I choose to inspire, to be a beacon, so everyone has the right to shine their own light on the world, in their community and in their own time.

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Jun 01, 2020
I am not perfect!
by: Rose

Hi Richard, thanks for these inspiring words coming straight from you heart. I hope they will encourage many that read them. Thank you for taking the time to share yourself like that. Warmly, Rose

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