Why can't he love me the way he loves her?

by Connie

Dear Rose: I have been in a relationship with ‘Chris’ for five years and while our relationship had its problems, we got along most of the time. But I wasn’t happy because he wasn’t affectionate with me and was inconsiderate of my feelings so I ended it a year ago. Now Chris has a new girlfriend and I can’t believe he’s doing all of the things with her that he would never do with me, even though I asked him all of the time. I see them around sometimes and he acts like he is really in love with her, which he would never do with me. Why couldn’t he love me like he loves her? Thanks, Carlie form Arizona

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May 15, 2013
Not feeling worthy of love is one of the greatest lies!
by: Anonymous

Dearest Connie,

I feel deeply for you. I understand what you are feeling. The truth is that somehow the circumstances between you and your Ex were not conducive for love and connection in the way that you longed for. There is only one thing to do and that is to let go.

The main thing that might be in the way for you to let go, and what keeps your thoughts just wondering, why not with me?...is a deep rooted feeling of - I am not lovable, I am not good enough, I do not deserve that love. Or whatever your version is.

It is a deep seated feeling of unworthiness and not being good enough. It lives in all of us. That is why so many of us 'light up' instantly with a small compliment. So many people need reassurance to do our job. Or we keep asking; Do you still love me?

Connie, you have to go inside and find what is the root of your unworthiness. What are your words? Why are they there? What happened to you in your life that makes you feel you do not deserve love. What makes you feel you are a bad person perhaps. Get to the root, bring it into the light by feeling it and facing it and then let it go. Become worthy! Shine and know you are deserving.

The truth is, thinking and feeling that you are unworthy is a lie, it is not true. Who you are is a beautiful gem, a sparkling spirit of light and love. You are not broken and were never broken.

Trust your True Self as you are finding your self worth.

I hope this angle of an answer to your question will help you shine brighter!

Take care and shine bright,


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