Ask Your Relationship Questions

relationship questions

Everyone has relationship questions. Questions concerning your relationships are important to contemplate, to ask ourselves and at the right time ask others. Why are these questions so important?

Questioning yourself and your relationships allows you to become more aware and thus you grow. It is healthy to ask for outside feedback and take it into consideration.

Read more on the benefits of asking relationship questions here.

Ask Your Relationship Question Here

The more background and context you give to your question the more valuable the feedback will be for you.

What Other Visitors Have Asked

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I can't seem to relax and I am afraid to loose my relationship. 
Why can't I relax? First, I want to be clear that I have a good life. I have a pretty wife, a good job that pays the bills, a house, etc. Everything is …

Why can't he love me the way he loves her? 
Dear Rose: I have been in a relationship with ‘Chris’ for five years and while our relationship had its problems, we got along most of the time. But I …

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Hi, I want to thank you in advance for your questions and your feedback by commenting on the questions. Sharing our challenges, obstacles and difficulties like this allows us all to grow.  Each one of us has a gem of own relationships experiences and we can help each other. In deep respect, Rose

Benefits of Asking Relationship Questions

Asking  questions regarding your relationships can help you to discover which relationships in your life are important to you and which ones are not. It is said that the 5 people you spend the most time with you become. Which 5 people in  your life do you spend most time with? Do you like it to be that way or would like to see a change here? Are there some relationships you need to end?

  • Knowing who it most important to you, are you fully happy with that relationship? Is there something missing? Would you like to have, feel more with that person? Are you all of your needs met? Having clarity can help you discover how you can create more value in those relationships, give more, contribute more as this always leads to more fulfillment in the relationship.
  • Questioning our relationships always opens up the invitation to look at ourselves. Yes we can see often more easily what the issue is on the other side. Have the courage to always take the opportunity when it comes to ask: How do I contribute to this issue? This way important questions make you grow.
  • Contemplating relationship problems and issues and sharing them with others  can help us to get another view point. Sometimes when we are so in it ourselves it is hard to see what the heart of the matter really is, or what a possible solution can be. Receiving feedback and advice from others can help us gain clarity and inspiration to take forward action.
  • Relationships are dynamic, what I mean with that is that they change. Change is good. If you want to grow change is vital. But in this world there is lots of resistance to change. So it is important to recognize changes in yourself and the other in the relationship. See how it effects you and the relationship. Does the form of the relationship need to change? If you stay open and current with the changes you will have much more enjoyment out of your relationships and less likelihood of the suffering of unfulfilled expectations.
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