The Relationships Help Program
to create sustaining and lasting relationships

Are your needs being met?

A relationships help question: You can be successfully married and enjoy parenting, you love your work, you enjoy financial abundance, you have the emotional strength and spiritual resolve and yet you suffer the frustration of a marriage/partnership that is less than what it could be.

The Question is: What is missing? or What do you like more of?

When asked this question, in our relationships help program, most people value unconditional acceptance and companionship the highest, closely followed by trust and emotional safety.

What do you value most? Are there needs you have in the relationship that are not being met?

Relationships, that are lasting and sustaining are not the result of good luck, great chemistry or any outside circumstances.
Rather, there are laws of love - skills that need to be practiced and applied - that determine the level of fulfillment that people experience in their marriage, partnerships and all other forms of relationships.
You can learn these skills, and through practice you can raise your relationships to a place where it is sustaining and can last.

The Relationships Help Program

This program was created by Ian and Rose, relationships coaches and counselors, dedicated to help people create sustaining and lasting relationships for over 10 years. Together they create a program for you, catered to your needs and goals, so you can receive the relationships help you need to succeed in the area of relationships.

In the program you will learn:

  • What you true values are in relationships
  • What your needs are, what your partners needs are and how all needs need to be met to create sustaining and lasting relationships.
  • How to deal with relationships problems and issues and overcome them in a positive way.
  • How to get to the root of one of the main relationships problems / issues and free yourself from it.
  • Tools on how to bring passion and intimacy into the relationship.
  • How to build a deep and lasting connection while supporting each others individual growth.

Book your 6-week Relationship Help Program Now!

Meet Your Relationships Help Coaches

Ian and Rose have decades of experience of helping, supporting and guiding relationships into passionate partnerships that last.

Both of them will lead you through the program masterfully with all of their love, yet straight to the heart of the matter; no stone unturned, because that is the secret to have it last. If you like you can read more on Ian and Rose and their dedication.

Book a free consultation today to check if this Relationships Help Program is for you!

What do people say about the relationships help program?

  • I felt my marriage was done and over with and did not see any other way out then to file for a divorce. 

I then met Ian and Rose and together with my husband Dave we did the program, to give it one last shot. To this day, we are so grateful we did. Not only did the course help us to communicate again and feel great respect for each other, we feel more love and passion then when we first met. This truly is a miracle as the spark had been gone from your marriage for over 10 years. Thank you, we owe you everything!

Sue and Dave Armstrong- Perth, Australia. September 2012

  • My partner and I were arguing a lot and could not feel the passion anymore with each other.

We were growing apart. My partner absorbed himself in his work and I felt he was avoiding home. He felt I was not any more attractive to him and spending all my time managing the kids. The program came to us in the right time. It helped us to get straight to the bottom of why we were feeling the way we did, and why there was so little connection and desire to be with each other. Our relationship has changed for the better, so much more passion, love and respect. You have given me back a husband that can't wait to come home to me. It amazes me how it also rubbed off on our children; they like to do activities with us again, together as a family. You made me the happiest mom in the world!

Lyn and Karl Cummings- Mandurah, Australia. November 2012

Book your 6-week Relationship Help Program Now!


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