Relationship Questions
relationship advice and help

Be the Change; live the 10 No's

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, March 26, 2013 in Relationship Questions

Most of the suffering that we encounter in our lives is a direct result of our thinking, the state of our mind. The 10 No's are ten ways of thinking, habits of the mind that result directly in suffering. If you would master to control your mind and specifically omit these 10 ways of thinking you would alleviate most of the suffering in your life.   Read more...

How to Save A Marriage, in 7 steps

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, March 26, 2013 in Relationship Questions

Are people asking themselves the question: how to save a marriage? In Australia, every third marriage end up in divorce. In America almost 50% of married couples divorce.

The numbers of people divorced within 5 years of their marriage is staggering. How come that so many people find that passionate love and willingly walk down the aisle, making promises to each other, only to file for a divorce and walk away from the promises they made?   Read more...

relationships that grow

How to Create Healthy Relationships

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, February 26, 2013 in Relationship Questions

Ask yourself: Do relationships make you Grow, Expand, Excel and Thrive? Or do they make you Contract, Frustrated, Loose yourself and Suffer? Extraordinary relationships, are not the result of good luck, great chemistry or convenience.   Read more...

The Ability to Resolve Conflict

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, April 9, 2013 Resolve Conflict in Relationship

Conflict is an unavoidable and a completely natural part of any healthy relationship. Conflicts can bring up intense emotions and therefor are such excellent opportunities for growth. Most of us we never got taught how to deal with conflicts and the emotions that come with it. The ability to resolve conflicts is a must and a joy because you will be able to turn conflicts into opportunities resulting into deep bonds with others.   Read more...

10 Essential Relationships Qualities

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, January 2, 2013 in Relationship Questions

The 10 essentials are relationship qualities that live inside of us. More often than not these qualities have been covered over by all the things that come our way in life like concepts from family, friends and society, being judged, being ridiculed and painful events that happened to us.   Read more...

Heart Break; how to heal a broken heart?

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, January 2, 2013 in Relationship Questions

There is no person that I have met that has not had their heart broken in someway. Heart break seems to be an inescapable part of life, that most of us like to avoid at all cost, yet a broken heart is a feeling that we all know.  It is a most excruciating pain of loss and once it takes it's course it is hard to control or stop.

Our hearts get broken when we loose the very thing that in our imaginative heart hold so dearly. We have to let go and there seems no way around it.

Our hearts can be broken by a loss of a loved one, a child loss before their time or even a broken dream. It is a most painful of all feelings, the having to let go is inevitable. People describe this pain of heart break in many different ways.   Read more...

Are you living up to your values?

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, August 9, 2013 in Relationship Questions

It is important for you to know what your values are and those of your partner and then, what your most important values are for the marriage or partnership. When you know what you value most, you can look at your actions and behaviors and see if you are truly living up to what is most important to you. For most people, what they value most, gets lost along the way due to hurt, disappointment and ego desires.   Read More...

Violence & Abuse in Relationships

Posted by: Rose Tol, R&I Life Coaching, January 2, 2013 in Relationship Questions

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is psychological, rather than physical. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available.   Read more...

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